Class IFlexboxLayoutAlgorithm
Core of FlexBuilder: the layout algorithm object performs all layout, according to CSS3 Flexbox rules.
There are multiple implementations of this, with different performance/accuracy tradeoffs, with newer releases adding new instances with higher version numbers so that you can always preserve and optionally continue using old versions if eg some of your UI design was coded based on their quirks.
Namespace: NinjaTools.FlexBuilder.LayoutAlgorithms
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public abstract class IFlexboxLayoutAlgorithm : ScriptableObject
- (String) defaultAssetName
Used when creating new instances automatically in the Inspector or the 'auto-fix' dialog boxes
- (Version) version
Mostly used for scripts to auto-check that an algorithm is newer or older than a previous one, useful for doing automatic upgrade detection, etc. Also used for deciding when to prune old code that only existed to service outdated algorithms