Class EphemeralCaches
Lower-quality caching for when Relayout-Tracking is disabled or not present (Relayout-Tracking maintains finer-grained caches and disposes of them immediately when not needed any more).
Namespace: NinjaTools.FlexBuilder.LayoutAlgorithms
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public static class EphemeralCaches
- (void) ClearAllCachedDataForContentSizeCalculations()
- (void) ClearCachedDataForContainerSizeCalculations(FlexContainer)
Currently: always clears everything; ultimate goal: TODO: ONLY if param is null clear ALL data from ALL the container-size caches
FlexContainer | soloContainer |
- (void) Editor_ClearAllCaches()
Should ONLY be used by TestRunner tests - in all other cases, flushing should be automatically correct in-Editor, at runtime, etc